Our Cottage Garden


Perennial border with some evergreen structure.

Our Sheffield garden planted up and wildlife pond in. Not gone crazy ‘designing’ it, however it will have a lovely cottage feel and the birds and bees will love it! Discovered lots of great plants and added more evergreen structure, perennials and climbers. Seeds busy germinating in the greenhouse, and veg patch ready. Patience required now…

The very overgrown shrubs, trees and perennials were cut back hard and shredded.  This produced many large bags of shredded green waste.  Rather than disposing of this, I made great use of it and spread it all over the existing beds.  This provided a great mulch, which over time will improve the soil and help retain moisture.  It mulches down surprisingly quickly and soon reduces in volume.  It’s a great way to re-use plant cuttings, but be careful not to use invasive weeds as they may re-establish.

The planting is very informal and will soon provide a lovely cottage feel.  I’ve chosen many different varieties of perennial flowers and added some evergreen structure with some evergreen shrubs.  Many flowers were specially chosen to attract the local bees, bugs and butterflies.

The wildlife pond (overseen by Froggy!) will provide a haven for local wildlife – we already have a small group of tadpoles and the local birds are enjoying somewhere to wash.

I’ll post more pictures when its developed further…




Part shade border softening the path.


Froggy by the pond

Wayland Before

The jungle before.

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